Monday, November 13, 2006

Can The Democrats Blow It So Soon?

I'm extremely happy that the Democrats now control the House and Senate. I'm ecstatic Bush fired Rumsfeld, and even happier that he idiotically waited until the election was over before doing so. Firing Rummy earlier would have toned down the anger toward the Administration, and saved many seats in both houses of Congress. For the country's sake, Bush should have fired Rumsfeld years ago; for his party's sake, at least two weeks earlier than he did. Guess Karl Rove isn't an evil genius after all (still evil of course).

Now with that said, this is from today's NYT:

Democratic leaders in the Senate vowed on Sunday to use their new Congressional majority to press for troop reductions in Iraq within a matter of months, stepping up pressure on the administration just as President Bush is to be interviewed by a bipartisan panel examining future strategy for the war.

Big mistake by the Dems already! Damn! The Democrats should let Bush drive Iraq policy. Here is my reasoning: there is NO good solution, no solution period. Whether we send more troops in or pull them out, nothing will work. More and more Iraqis will die, perhaps reaching Rwanda levels of genocide. The Dems don't need their fingerprints on any withdrawal plan, because nothing will work, and the inevitable catastrophe will be blamed on the Dems for "cutting and running."

McCain is already positioning against the plan to pull troops out. Very smart of him to do so. God, I hope the Dems don't blow it so soon...


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